The Offering to Pan by Beauvais Manufactory, Jean Baptiste Monnoyer and Guy Louis Vernansal Image from public domain licenseBrown's iron bitters : quality not quantity, purity : the best tonic / [Brown Chemical Co.]. Image from public domain licenseThe Actor Ichikawa Yaozo II as Soga no Juro Sukenari Disguised as the Proefessional Jester Senraku (?) in the Play Soga Moyo… Image from public domain licenseA drunken Bacchus cavorts atop the globe, accompanied by Fortune; to his right physicians and quacks fight for legitimacy;… Image from public domain licenseBattle between Carnival and Lent (c. 1600 - c. 1620) by Jheronimus Bosch Image from public domain licenseKing Henry VIII and his three children; Will Summers, the King's jester is in the background. Stipple engraving by F.… Image from public domain licenseAffiche voor het weekblad Humoristisch Album (1855 - 1863) by Hendrik Wilhelmus Last, Elias Spanier and H Nijgh Image from public domain licenseDoctor Humbugallo, an itinerant medicine vendor, selling his wares from a stage with an assistant dressed as a court fool.… Image from public domain licenseDoctor Humbugallo, an itinerant medicine vendor, selling his wares from a stage with an assistant dressed as a court fool.… Image from public domain licenseTwo children dressed in jester's clothes perform a dance. Lithograph by C. Thielley, 1851, after E. de Beaumont. Image from public domain licensefan print; orange, black and white; portrait of a man with curly hair, UL; revellers, a jester, soldiers at L; cloaked… Image from public domain licenseFool Map licenseThe dance of death at Basel: death and the jester. Lithograph by G. Danzer after H. Hess. Image from public domain licensePhillips, a clown, known as 'the Merry Andrew'. Line engraving by W.J. Taylor after M. Laroon. Image from public domain licenseA jester contemplates a skeleton. Wood engraving after Paul Stade, 1884. Image from public domain licensePhillips, a clown, known as 'the Merry Andrew'. Line engraving by W.J. Taylor, 1792, after M. Laroon. Image from public domain licenseAffiche voor het tijdschrift Verviers Comique Journal Humoristique (1881) by anonymous, imp G Nautet Hans and imp G Nautet… Image from public domain licenseA barber-surgeon holding a jester's head over a bowl, an assistant and dog dressed as a clown dance around. Wood engraving. Image from public domain licenseA vain woman combing her hair, a fool showing her her face in a mirror, and a philosopher pointing to a skull as a reminder… Image from public domain licenseA surgery where all fantasy and follies are purged and good qualities are prescribed. Line engraving by E. de Boulonnois, 16… Image from public domain licenseAt the Opéra ball, King Louis Philippe (centre) as a clown is confronted by Charles Philipon (right, representing the… Image from public domain licenseA surgery where all fantasy and follies are purged and good qualities are prescribed. Line engraving by E. de Boulonnois, 16… Image from public domain licenseFragment van een Historiebijbel: twee scènes uit het leven van Samson (c. 1470 - c. 1475) by anonymous and Jean Fouquet ca… Image from public domain licenseOmslagontwerp voor: Wendingen, Maskernummer, 1920 (1920) by Richard Nicolaüs Roland Holst Image from public domain licenseOmslagontwerp voor: Wendingen, Maskernummer, 1920 (1920) by Richard Nicolaüs Roland Holst Image from public domain licenseTwo designs for flags possibly for a theatrical company. Engraving by P. Yver, 1743. Image from public domain licenseOmslagontwerp voor: Wendingen, Maskernummer, 1920 (1920) by Richard Nicolaüs Roland Holst Image from public domain licenseOmslagontwerp voor: Wendingen, Maskernummer, 1920 (1920) by Richard Nicolaüs Roland Holst Image from public domain licenseThe reverse side of a flag and dress coat which it is claimed belongs to the Dijon infantry. Engraving by P. Yver, 1743. Image from public domain licenseTwo actors performing on an open-air stage, perhaps selling medicines ; St. Pauls cathedral is visible in the background.… Image from public domain licenseThe Italian social fabric symbolised by a chain of social types, with all relations of dependence ultimately relating back… Image from public domain licenseA laughing jester holding a fool's bauble with a grotesque face. Line engraving by D. Custos after H. Goltzius. Image from public domain licenseFragment van een koorboek: gehistorieerd initiaal C met een nar in zotskap (1350 - 1400) by anonymous Image from public domain licenseGeknielde vrouw draagt een zak op haar rug met bovenop een narrenfiguur met schrijfveer (1861) by Félicien Rops Image from public domain licenseSancho Panza (the squire of Don Quixote) , at a banquet, being starved for health reasons by his physician. Lithograph by C.… Image from public domain licenseScene from As You Like It, by D. Maclise, R.A. by Caldesi and Montecchi Image from public domain licenseAn English fool acting as spokesman for a Dutch quack doctor; an ornate border composed of the paraphernalia of quackery… Image from public domain licenseTwo actors performing on an open-air stage, perhaps selling medicines ; St. Pauls cathedral is visible in the background.… Image from public domain licenseSancho Panza (the squire of Don Quixote) , at a banquet, being starved for health reasons by his physician. Engraving by T.… Image from public domain license